Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Albers way of saving water!!!!

This is my dad working on the pipe from the washing machine!

 Here the hose attaches to the bucket and it leads the water to the sprinkler once it is heavy enough!!

It goes under the house then attaches to the sprinkler system in the garden and this waters the garden!
This is the pipe leading into the bucket at the bottom.

Waiting for the water to come out BE PATIENT SOPHIE!!!


Has any come out yet looks like it on your face!!

One last look:)


  1. Fantastic to see you guys saving water!!! Just a little bit of rain today - will it continue???

    Well done Evette and well done to your family. I wonder if you will inspire others to do something similar.

    Mrs McA

  2. Great stuff - well done

  3. Well done you guys, what a fantastic idea. Every little helps!!! Evette perhaps you have more renewable tips for the class, we would love to hear some.

    Miss Keenan :-)

  4. that is a great idea!

  5. WOW !!!!!!!! Cool !!!!!!!!!!

  6. wow evettei would like to do that oneday now thats what i call saving water


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