Monday, March 4, 2013

Eli's improvement!!!!

This is when I didn't put spacces  inbetween my words.
This is when I did put spaces in .

Can you give me some feedback?? What do you think??


  1. Great Improvement Eli!!!! :)

  2. Wow Eli - whatadifferencethespacesmaketothe reader'sunderstandingofthemessageinyourwriting. Arrrggghh, That's too hard for me to do. I wonder if you automtically use the space bar when you are at the computer Eli??? I'll bet you do becauseyoucanseethatitlookslikethis! Thanks for sharing your progress.
    PS. Can you tell me how I can become less anonymous? I dont like being a non person but I don't know which button to push to get comments published otherwise.
    Mrs C


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