Monday, March 25, 2013

Te Wera secret buddy mission...

At Frankley School the year fives and sixes have a school camp. They go to Te Wera campsite or Konini lodge. Recently room eleven went to Te Wera camp. Te Wera is past Stratford. There were lots of different activities. These are some of the activities: making eeling lines, bivouac, stretcher challenge, night line, spotlight and kayaking.

When we go there, Mrs McAllister called us into the lounge. She gave us each a piece of paper with our name on and another persons name on. The other persons name was the person you had to watch out for, think of the good things, achievements and their behavior on camp.

My secret buddy tried really hard in archery and everything else. He also was a little afraid to do the seal entry but then toughened up and did it; that was one of his achievements. He was nice he was funny and a little annoying to some people. Overall out of ten I think he got and eight out of ten.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Evette, nice to read about your secret buddy. Are you going to be saying who your secret buddy was??


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