Monday, March 17, 2014

Te Rangatahi

English Translation

Young people 
Shine out in this world 
This changing world 
It is night, it is day, dawn is coming. 

Listen to the cry of the bellbird,
 It's a new day 
(Repeat 1st 6 lines) 
Listen to the cry of the young people, 
It's a new time.

Sing out your dreams, 
Stand as one people.

Te Rangatahi

English Translation

Young people 
Shine out in this world 
This changing world 
It is night, it is day, dawn is coming. 

Listen to the cry of the bellbird,
 It's a new day 
(Repeat 1st 6 lines) 
Listen to the cry of the young people, 
It's a new time.

Sing out your dreams, 
Stand as one people.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

the big one - Connor

I almost fell, I saw the giants when they step, it felt like a earthquake. The big steel pole he holds sees me. I run but I got tired from the man running after me. Boom the net came down on me 'I am stuck' I try to bite the net is to hard. This is not good I wonder were I am going.

The nets

The nets
I heard a truck coming our way the truck stopped. I saw giant people come out with huge nets I kept my eye on one of them but then a net got me from behind. I squeaked  and scratched the air and all the man did was laugh.
I was trapped

The Rats At The Market!!

The Rats at the Market!!

I stared at the men, and they stared back. They charged at me like a bull. He started to get closer and closer as I started to get dizzy. I melted into a shadow so they ran straight pass me. Then I felt a swish of cold air sprint pass me and I realised I was surrounded in a bumpy net.

I open my eyes slowly, everything was blurry. I heard a deep low voice saying “We found some rats.” Then in an even deeper voice replied “So what.” As the voices started to get closer I scrambled in and hurried towards the net. Then I heard another voice that sounded like a girl saying “SEE” when the men went away, the girl said, “Hang in there” in a whisper “I’ll get you out"...

By Brylee                                          

Friday 6th of December                                                      
We are on our way to the market. I can’t wait to feast on the food. Then these random guys come around the corner and ruin it. They charge at us like a stampede of elephant’s. I yelled "Run!" and ran for my life. I heard a swoosh, a net came flying down. I leaped away from the net and zoomed off in to the shadows, but another net came down.
"Got you," said the man. I tried to nibble through the net but the material was stronger than metal. I’m watching the others get swiped into the nets.
I was terrified but when I figured out where we were going this was just the beginning.    
To be continued what will happen next.

Written by Eli 

Jake rats of nihm

‘Jenner’, ‘where are you?’ I see nets flying around and diving down like gannets. My first thought was to run, so I took off like a jet. Then suddenly a net came crashing down behind me, I escape by a matter of inches.

I scramble to cover. There’s nothing else to do but sit down and watch all my friends and family being captured. I can’t resist the urge to dive out into the open and try rescuing whoever I can.

Then suddenly a net smacked down over me, my legs tangled into the plastic like fabric. Captured.