Using spelling city - making lists and doing activities

How to log into spelling city to make a new list.

 If you just want to test and do activities with your list, scroll down to the bottom of this page and the instructions are there.(In blue)

1.Log in

 2.Log in here as room 11 email and then our password

3. Click on list management

4.Then find create a new list and click on this.
Click on batch entry

5. Give your list a name like Frank Term 3 List 3

6.Save your list, then it will show you definitions and sentences for each list. Save each time if everything is ok. The last save is I'm done

7.Then find your list at the bottom, hit group and shift it up to your name where all your lists are stored.
8. You may have to tick the box where you are shifting the list to.

Then log out.

Using your list

To use your list log in as you  - your first two letters of your first name and last name and then room011. Some of you may have a slightly different password. This will allow you to play the games



Learn your lists here - do a final test?


Essential List 1
Essential List 2
Essential List 3
Essential List 4
Essential List 5
Essential List 6
Essential List 7

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