Monday, September 9, 2013

100WC Weird fish.


As I was sailing across the Pacific Ocean I looked in the crystal clear water. I saw a slimy pink fish with sharp pointy teeth.  And big bulging yellow eyes. After staring at it for a long time is started to swim strait up to my boat. Suddenly the fish jumped out of the water into the sky and started to fly!

          “Ok that’s weird.” I said.

“How’s a flying fish weird?”

“Ok a talking and fly fish is weird.”

“ No a juggling fish is weird and also if you want to see a weird fish you should she my uncle mike he is crazy mad.”


  1. well done William!!! Your story is great!!!

  2. Miss Travers (Team 100WC)September 11, 2013 at 6:25 AM

    I really enjoyed your 100 word challenge William! I would be in shock if I came across such a strange talking fish. I wonder what crazy Uncle Mike is like?

  3. Good job! If I ever saw a talking, flying fish I would probably think I was in a dream!


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