Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Rats At The Market!!

The Rats at the Market!!

I stared at the men, and they stared back. They charged at me like a bull. He started to get closer and closer as I started to get dizzy. I melted into a shadow so they ran straight pass me. Then I felt a swish of cold air sprint pass me and I realised I was surrounded in a bumpy net.

I open my eyes slowly, everything was blurry. I heard a deep low voice saying “We found some rats.” Then in an even deeper voice replied “So what.” As the voices started to get closer I scrambled in and hurried towards the net. Then I heard another voice that sounded like a girl saying “SEE” when the men went away, the girl said, “Hang in there” in a whisper “I’ll get you out"...

By Brylee                                          

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