Wednesday, December 11, 2013


We are writing the scene talked about in our class book. The rats tell about when they were living in a village and went to the Sunday market to eat the leftovers. The men from the laboratory come and capture some. This is that part written. Can you build up pictures in your head from our writing. Can you imagine the scene?

I charged at the left-overs like a crazed bull. Suddenly I felt a net slip over me with excrutiating speed and force.

I struggle, tossing and turning,  trying to nibble out of this night-mare, but the net is as thick as plastic. Not giving up I give it one last bite...

I managed to break free! I scamper away from that horrid place with my scrawny little legs and reach a bench! I fell safe enough to take a rest. So I did. But I never awoke again.

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