Wednesday, October 16, 2013

harbour lunch bar grand(ish) opening today/tonight

                            harbour lunch bar

Jake here. I give you this post with good news, the place that I have been working at for a month now the harbour lunch is opening today. I am exited about this because i have spent over 24 hours helping prepare for the opening, i have been doing a lot of cleaning, preparing food storage, taste testing pies and much more.

We will be selling Adersons pies, amazing sandwiches, drinks, coffee, and yet again much more. there is three girls that work there to Steph, Royale and somebody else who's name i haven't picked up yet. They are all exhalent barristers. And of course my boss Barry martin a.k.a. Baz.

Make sure you come down and grab some kai sometime soon, and maybe even buy some fresh fish next door at ocean pearl fish retail where i also work at and Baz owns it to.

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