Friday, May 10, 2013

Room 11’s BIG question…

How can we promote and protect our unique culture??
Some of my ideas…
J Every day two of three people could get to school early and greet people (in Maori language) as they come through the door.
J We could have a sign on the front gate saying Haere Mai to Frankley School.
J When visitors come to our school we could greet them using N.Z’s three different languages (English, Te Reo and sign language).
J Each class could do some Maori artwork and display it on their classroom walls.
J We could find out what the Maori word is for lunch and or morning tea.
J Frankley School could also be able to find out what the Maori words are for reading, writing and maths.
J We could put Maori words into our everyday writing (words that we all know).
J Each class could get a couple of Maori dictionaries for their classroom.
J Our class could split up into groups of 5-7 and visit other schools in N.P and look around, at their school to see if they have displayed any cultural work in their class; if they have done work that we haven’t rom 11 might be able to do something similar.

By Lucy  

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