Thursday, May 9, 2013

how can we protect and promote our unique culture in our classroom

9  MAY 2013

How can we protect and promote our unique culture in our classroom ???????

We are learning about Our Place and we are looking at ways to protect and promote out culture in room 11.  We brainstormed lots of ideas.  We talked about what culture is.  I think these are some good ideas.

1   Classroom treaty

On our classroom treaty we could write down rules on how we can work together in room 11. This is what the Waitaingi Treaty did.  We would all have to sign the treaty if we agree with the rules. We could put up a display about it on the wall.


2  Sign language

Learn about it and give greetings to people for a week or so. Go onto a website and learn the abc’s  start with basics.


3   Greetings- Hongi- powhiri

Learn more about the hongi and once we have learnt the meaning of it go to a marae to try it out.


4 What other schools are doing

We could visit other schools and have little one on one conferences, when we are done gather information and share with class.

1 comment:

  1. Sounding like you are ready to take some action room 11. Excellent!!
    Mrs MCA


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